It's amazing to see how the community at large has gathered together to help those struck by this natural disaster and everyone is offering their support by all means possible and helping to make a difference and assisting the people in putting their lives back together.
I was browsing through one of the news websites and the title that caught my eye was how the Australian Jewish community was doing their bit in providing aid to the victims of the bush fires. What I cannot comprehend is, why can't we as Muslims also make an effort and do our bit.? Don't you think we should participate actively and get the word out that that we too as a minority care about the welfare of these people, and use it as a means of mass dawah? Why can't our masajids organise fundraisers and offer to be drop off points for donations or even offer refuge to the victims? Is it that hard to go out there and provide consolation to those grieving the loss of their loved ones?
We have always been portrayed by the media to be among those who are hermits and do not 'integrate' and mingle with the common man. Islam is a religion of peace and spreading the word of Allah and calling people to Islam should be of utmost importance to us. Making use of such opportunities can help us refute the allegations that have been made against us by the media.
Has it ever occured to you that there could have been Muslims among those who have lost their lives and homes? The Jewish community has records of all the Jews in the area and are doing their bit in locating them and making sure they are all safe. Do we have something similar in place? If there have been Muslims who have lost their lives, it is our duty to make sure they are buried accordingly and to offer prayers for them.
We need to wake up and stop being aloof to the happenings around us. Take an active part. Go out there and volunteer to offer your support. Make yourself known as a caring, kind and considerate MUSLIM. Do it for Allah's sake and for the sake of humanity.
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