It all happened when hubby was minding my daughter, who was just over 2 years old back then, while I attended one of the lectures. When it ended and I returned to hubby he looked extremely worried and I walked up to him to ask him what’s wrong. What he told me made my heart sink and I was engulfed with a feeling of fear and despair. He said he couldn’t find my daughter!
Here I was standing amidst a huge crowd of people frantically running from one corner to the other trying to spot my little girl. I was angry at myself for letting this happen and my heart was pounding fast in my chest. I hurriedly ran up to the volunteers and asked them for their help. Soon enough there was a team of people looking for her and I started making du’a to Allah to keep my child safe and protect her. Her beautiful innocent face flashed before my eyes and I didn’t want to think of how it would feel if I lost her forever and didn’t see her again. Those moments from when she went missing to the time she was found were heart wrenching. When they finally found her and brought her to me I was overcome with relief and tears streamed down my face while I embraced her. I thanked Allah over and over for reuniting us. Alhamdulilah, the time I was away from my child was short lived and I didn’t have to deal with the pain for long.

But what about our dear sisters & brothers suffering in
The question is - what are we trying to achieve? The widespread injustice and death of civilians just goes to show how immature and inhumane people can be. We need to grow up! War is not the answer. Killing innocent civilians under the pretext of trying to settle your disputes is not the solution.
Make du'a for our children in
O Allah, the fate of our people in
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